Open Positions

Below you find topics for possible thesis projects (bachelor and master level) as well as open positions (PhD projects and post-doc positions). Please note, though, that due to the rapidly evolving research the information is of course subject to change. Importantly, all thesis projects connect to our main areas of research.

The information on the homepage should give a first introduction, but is also not a substitute for a discussion in person, so feel free to contact us to arrange a meeting. Also, if you wish to pursue your own ideas and/or apply for a fellowship and wish to have our support, please contact us directly (Frank Schreiber).

Student Projects and Practicals

Students interested in HiWi projects and practicals are welcome. Typical topics are

  • Student assistant with a background in condensed matter physics (details)
  • Web development project for HiWi with IT skills (details)
  • Real-time study of protein crystallization (details)
  • Phase behaviour in protein solutions (details)
  • Protein interactions and aggregation controlled by charges (details)
  • Infrared spectroscopy of biomolecules at solid/liquid interfaces
  • Data analysis and software development

Also, students interested in working abroad in a laboratory collaborating with us (e.g., at the ILL in Grenoble (Summer student programme ILL/ESRF 2023) or at the University of Oxford) may contact us for details.

Independent Studies

Work placement opportunities at ILL, Grenoble (flyer)

We can suggest several destinations, but we have to emphasize the following:

  • We cannot ensure funding of these stays, although some may be able to provide local support (dorms (Studentenwohnheim) and maybe consumables (food)).
  • Please first contact Frank Schreiber and remember to send (in English!) a meaningful CV and transcript of records together with your first email of contact. Mention in brief keywords in particular non-standard skills you might have acquired, such as programming or language skills beyond highschool English.
  • For the "independent studies" remember that you can also stay in Tübingen and do course work or work in the lab as an extended internship (Praktikum). This may not look particularly adventurous, but can be remarkably beneficial. It may also prepare you for a more fruitful and productive stay abroad (e.g., during the master or the PhD thesis), since you receive training in the lab which future hosts abroad may value. There are very good examples for this.

Projects for Future Teachers (Lehramtler)

We also offer different projects, which are suitable as "Zulassungsarbeiten für Lehramtler". For example:

  • Test and documentation of a quartz crystal microbalance with monolayer sensitivity
  • Test and documentation of a photoelectron spectrometer
  • Test and documentation of a 4-circle X-ray diffractometer

Bachelor and Master Projects

Nano Science III - Winter Term 2023/24

We offer interesting projects in all areas of research of the group, namely

  • Modeling and analysis of neutron scattering experiments for protein diffusion and cluster formation (details)
  • Machine learning for fast analysis of scattering data (details)
  • Structure analysis of perovskite hybrid solar cells (details)
  • Real-time study of protein crystallization (details)
  • Phase behaviour in protein solutions (details)
  • Protein interactions and aggregation controlled by charges (details)
  • Protein adsorption at solid-liquid interface (details)
  • Organic photovoltaics (details)
  • Metal-organic interfaces (details)
  • Growth dynamics of organic thin films using in situ X-ray scattering and optical spectroscopy (details)
  • Coupled organic-inorganic nanostructures (COINs) studied with X-ray scattering (details)

Specific bachelor projects within the nanoscience and physics course are best discussed with Frank Schreiber, Fajun Zhang, Alexander Gerlach, and Alexander Hinderhofer.


PhD Projects

PhD projects can be done in all research areas of our group, e.g.,

  • PhD positions in advanced X-ray and neutron scattering from molecular and nanomaterials (details)
  • Dynamics, kinetics and assembly of model intrinsically disordered proteins from a polymer physics perspective (details)
  • Machine Learning applied to the analysis of scattering data
  • Perovskite-based hybrid structures for photovoltaics
  • Protein dynamics in aqueous solution studied with neutron spectroscopy (details)
  • Real-time study of protein crystallization (details)
  • Organic thin film growth in anisotropic mixtures (details)
For further details, see also our research projects and list of publications.

Post-Doc Positions

If you are interested in joining our group on the post-doc level, please write to Frank Schreiber.

Candidates interested in a fellowhip should consider these general recommendations and follow the links below for more information:

For more information on the University of Tübingen, see Working at the University of Tübingen as well as the post-doc testimonial video.

Reading Material

For background information on those projects, see this collection with introductory reading material