Experimental Techniques in NanoScience and Bio-Physics:

X-ray and Neutron Scattering


Dr. Ivan Zaluzhnyy
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Frank Schreiber

Wednesday 16.15-18.00, C9A03 (lectures and exercises)
First lecture in 2023: 18.10.2023

Lecture in the Alma-Portal and in Ilias

Notes and information about the course

Description of the course and tentative table of contents

This course is merged with two other courses:
  1. Advanced Topics in Condensed Matter (PHY-VFATCM) (link to ALMA)
  2. Modern X-ray Scattering (PHY-VFXRAY) (link to ALMA)
Please note that all materials will be posted on this web page. The information about two other courses will not be updated on ALMA.


Materials for the course

Lectures and Handouts from the previous years
