Institut für Angewandte Physik – Universität Tübingen
Physik der molekularen und biologischen Materie
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Frank Schreiber
Dr. Alexander Gerlach (AG Organische Filme und Grenzflächen)
Dr. Alexander Hinderhofer (AG Organische Filme und und hybride Systeme)
PD Dr. Fajun Zhang (AG Proteinbiophysik)
Dr. Ivan Zaluzhnyy (AG Röntgenphysik)
'Human-guided neural networks for synchrotron experiments'
in the science blog of the Tübingen cluster of excellence, 6.12.2024
The new lecture
Advanced topics in condensed matter
will be taught in winter semester 2024/25
Constantin Völter wins poster award on the SXNS 2024, 19.07.2024
Annual retreat (Klausurtagung), 17.-21.02.2025
Vladimir Starostin finishes PhD with distinction (
"summa cum laude"
), 16.5.2024
PhD positions
in our group
Bachelor/Master thesis in nanodiffraction
ESRF newsletter on
'The AI revolution'
is featuring our work, 12.4.2024
Article on machine learning based data analysis in the
ESRF Highlights 2023
, 12.4.2024
Paper on protein dynamics as highlight at ILL
, 8.4.2024
Machine learning paper
'Neural network analysis of neutron and X-ray reflectivity data'
is top downloaded article
, 4.4.2024
KFN neutron webinar